Tuesday, December 25, 2007
My beloved land
When? Who knows. Under what circumstances? Hopefully good ones, but what I've learned is I'm not in any rush to make good... bad.
Yes things have been better, but they have also been much worse. I do not look forward to that moment in which I must move miles and miles down the road, but when that time is right everything inside me will be behind my decision. One thing I am no longer afraid of is the thought of losing my job. Why fear what you don't know? If we all lived that way then none of us would leave our houses. I will work until I'm told not to and then on that day I will find something else to do.
Let it be known that fear no longer lives in the house of ile.
So be it.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Frustration Peaked
Good news is I can start moving in as planned.
Bad news is the bathroom had sprung a leak so they had to tear up all the new carpet in the bedroom, they're re-laying the vinyl and there's still work that needs to be done on the unit. OK... I understand accidents happen, but what do the cupboard doors not being on the hinges and the faucet not being installed have to do with it? FUCK!
As if I wasn't stressed enough. So here's the deal... Rikki gets to stay in my current apartment until I get back into town on the 28th. Rikki will have nothing but his bed, my sleeping bag and his food and water to keep him company.
I just... I don't fucking get it. Have you ever met someone that just can't seem to have things go right? This is me. No matter how hard I try it seems that the shit is always stacked against me. It's frustrating. I wish there was a way out of it.
I'm sick and tired of these situations. I need to be able to live a life where things go up instead of always down.
Even when I try to be completely positive shit like this seems to happen. What in the hell did I do to the Karma police in another life to get this shit?
Well I guess i'll go get dressed so I can start moving my shit into my new apartment (storage unit). FUCK!

Oh yea and that's what I found in the dining room when I got into the new place. It's not even ready to try to move into. Talk about frustrating. UGH!
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
A long December
Last night I found out an acquantance lost his wife on this past Sunday... at the age of 32. 32! I'm fuckin' 31, and not in the best shape I've ever been. I need to get more rest, exercise more and eat even better than I've been eating in my improved diet. '08 must be a year for change. God... you never know when your time is up, do ya?
My heart is with everyone that has ever lost anyone. Yes... sad, very sad.
Monday, November 19, 2007
I did it! I actually did it!
For those of you that don't know I have a strange desire to buy things in pairs. Two salad dressings, two boxes of cereal, two this, two that... it's just something that ile does. The only two items I bought in a pair was milk because I'll drink at least two gallons in 2 weeks and cranberry sauce because I love it and I only think to buy it this time of year. LOL.
I know it sounds stupid, but I feel victorious.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
The Devil's Pill
Anyway, Paxil has got to be the worst fucking drug I have ever taken. It has to be as bad as crack! If you miss a day's dose it totally messes you up. I'm talking major dizziness, aural and visual disturbances... strange shit.
Something tells me this probably isn't any better for the illin' ile. The problem: weaning off of the drug is a painful process. You can't just quit it or half the damn thing to be weaned. You literally have to shave slivers off of it, or it will make you really sick including psychotically suicidal.
I'm guessing I missed a dose or two sometime in the last week because vertigo and I are very friendly as of late. Word to the wise: NEVER let your doctor put you on Paxil. Tragic.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Un-freakin' Believable
Tiger Direct. I purchased the initial laptop from them which was D.O.A. I sent it back and finally a month later they sent me the one I have now. Two months after that the fucking DVD drive dies. What the fuck!? I bought an IPOD dock with speakers and the damn thing hums when the drive spins up. I just have to conclude that with all the problems with the products and customer service that Tiger Direct will NEVER get any of my business again. They sell flawed shit that they won't even touch after it leaves their hands when there is a problem.
Son of a bitch, thanks for the customer service... assholes.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
The Giants in London
It's such a trip to see the crowd too. Football crowds are crazy, but this game... the crowd is mostly sitting and the English are staring at the "normal" fans. I do believe that American football best stay in America. LOL.
This is painful.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Revisiting an old tradition
I'm going to go to a thrift store, take horrible camera phone pictures of strange things and write on each of them.
Please. Comments will be appreciated. Stay tuned for Social Study Halloweener Style.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Just here
Friday, October 12, 2007
I can't change who I am, nor do I want to. I have friends tell me I'm a great, good, amazing, wonderful, etc person, but I'm never the one others want to get to know better. Make sense? Why? Am I too normal? Am I too depressing? What do I need to do to make myself more of a people pleaser? Will I have to wait until someone develops the brain transplant?
Maybe if I was born 2000 years in the future I would be ile, the woman you meet that one time with the beautiful body, charming smile and crowd-pleasing appeal.
Sigh. I guess it's nice to dream. Goodnight friends.
Love you.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
10/07/07 A day in history

Tonight I was sitting on the chair watching the Bears beat the Packers. I lifted Rikki up (expecting to shed some blood), placed him in my lap and waited for him to do something.
He layed down against me. I was astonished. Rikki is almost 10 years old. Never has he sat in my lap and just let me pet him. Never before has he fallen asleep on my lap.
Needless to say this made me really happy. Thank God for the little things.

Saturday, October 6, 2007
Reggie Rocks!
Saturday Night
Tonight I didn't go out. First because I am a little under the weather, and second because I'll be going out tomorrow to watch football with the ladies. Wait. I did go out. I showered, dressed, put on make up and did my hair to go to the grocery store. On a Saturday when men and women are out enjoying fermented brew I'm hanging out in the cheese aisle of the Safeway.

I took a close look at where I was standing. Nobody was in the aisle, and I had one of those tiny shopping carts with one thing in it: buffalo wings from the deli for dinner. Walking slowly down the aisles I picked up things that I wanted or needed.
Eventually I got to the last row which is the "spirits" aisle. I contemplated buying wine that I know would give me a headache.

Well maybe I could be like coworkers or friends of mine that can go home and have a glass of wine after work. Hmm. Then I went back to the idea that it gives me one hell of a headache and passed at grabbing the wine.

Looking down at my "bachelorette" shopping cart and studied the contents. Catfood, precooked buffalo wings, Tums, fresheners for the cat's stinky ass (two different kinds), ranch dressing (two because I have a hard time buying just one of anything), tortilla chips, fake guacamole in a jar, sundried tomato and basil wheat thins (two boxes of course), two two liters of Diet Coke and two loafs of wheat bread.

I know you're wondering... What's with the buying things in sets of two? I don't know. I really do have a hard time buying things one at a time. I'm assuming it's just one of my obsessive/compulsive behaviors.
And noticing that living in the Pacific Northwest has changed me quite a bit I grabbed four reusable shopping bags and threw them in the cart. On this overcast Saturday I drove back home, unlocked the door and set the bags down on the floor where Rikki had to inspect them like everything that comes into his home.

I guess it's my fault my life has ended up the way it has. Is that good? Is it bad? I don't know. Next time I'm wondering why I'm such a loner I need to go look in the mirror, or do what I did tonight: walk down the empty aisles of a store on a Saturday night.

Today my good friend Maxine in SLC lost her father after a battle with cancer. It makes me so sad. Of course this brings up a lot of memories for me. Memories that are hard to deal with. Memories I thought I had buried a year ago. I got to thinking that we are definitely all alone.
Yes we have friends and yes we have family but in that final moment of being we are there with ourselves and what we've done in life. I wonder my true worth. I wonder if I have completed the things I was meant to complete.
I hope on the day of my loss that my friends and family will rejoice in the fact that I was and not in the realization that I'm no longer.
For the love of God... we really are all alone.
Much love.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
I wonder if this is the end? Something really needs to change. Something needs to change badly before I break.
Another thing. All my galfriends are partnered up. It seems like every time I hang out with the group, I look around and I'm the loner. I'm a pretty private person, but you can be private without being alone. Marilyn and I have made a joke about Lowe's and the commercial where it says "you can find your partner at Lowe's." Sadly, it would be great if it was that easy. LOL. I made a joke back that i'm on the "no interest until 2009 plan," but in all reality it's probably worse than that.
I just don't get it. What does a woman have to offer someone to have any interest? I'm just totally at a loss. It's like ok... I have been losing weight and that's one of my big factors, but can a person be attractive without having the perfect body?
I guess not in Seattle. Oh well. I'll keep making jokes about being alone and I hope this one day will help me regroup before I cry at my desk again.
I'm lost. Real lost.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
When too much is...

Last night was Lisa's birthday party. The drinkage ensued, but today I'm completely paying for it. I'm so damn wounded I skipped going to the Mad Pub today to do Sunday football with the gals. I still sort of have a headache, so that's probably for the best. LOL.
Sometimes just because they sell beers in 12 packs it doesn't mean you have to drink almost 3/4 of it. Jeez ile!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
It just occurred to me that
Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi

I left at 8:30 to go to work (early), and I ended up getting there at 9:20. It usually takes me 20 minutes to get there. Today I couldn't seem to get on the damn West Seattle Bridge. I tried three different options and none of them was moving. At one point in time there was even a woman in a car ahead of me reading a book. Ugh. I had to end up driving all the way down to South Park just to jump on 99. I mean what the hell people!?
When I got to work I just did things as usual. Nothing went wrong at work, but there was that sense of annoyance that just stayed with me throughout the day. I don't understand why I'm one of those people that lets stupid things get to them. Why am I the woman who gets all pissy over the stupidest things? One of my coworkers even said, "Wow seems like somebody woke up on the pissy side of the bed this morning." My response was, "No I just drove on the pissy side of the street." That got me a consensus of cubicle laughs, so oh well.
But here I sit at 2219 still off-balance by what I'm guessing was this morning's commute. Something is definitely off in Ile-Land, USA.
Sigh... suggestions... comments?
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Too small :(
The area is beautiful with beach access. The 80 year old couple were two of the nicest people I've met in a long time. I really wanted to rent from them, and it seemed like they really wanted me to rent from them as well.
I guess I just have too much stuff. Honestly I don't have as much crap as I used to, but it was just one small room the size of my bedroom, about 4 feet of a kitchen, a shower and a toilet. For someone just starting out without much I would totally recommend this place! There were no additional utilities, wireless and cable were included and they didn't mind if you use the laundry room.
Damn. It's just so damn frustrating. GRRRR!
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Looking for a new domicile
Tomorrow morning I'm going to check out a place right off Fauntleroy Way. I drove by it today and... wow. The couple who owns the home has a studio (?) or basement apartment. They're older people, and I could honestly deal with renting a place underneath some old peeps. The woman sounds amazingly sweet, but we'll see. I'll tell you whose parents I wish I could rent from... Rob's parents. They're the coolest mom and pops I've ever met. Well, besides my own of course. :)
The way this place looks is that it actually sits on a private lane (expensive houses) right next to the shoreline. Actually I think it's right on the shore. That would freakin' rock!
Ok I'll back off and not get my hopes up. I'm just concerned about the size of it. What if it's way too small? Have I already built myself up for a disappointment?
Ugh! Well I'll let you all know how it goes. If everything looks fine I'll give them a check tomorrow for a deposit. If not... the search continues.
For now, here's a wonderful picture I took earlier this summer of Mt. Rainer while on the Vashon Ferry. Enjoy.
Friday, September 21, 2007
What a way to make a living...
It has been a long week, and I can't even pinpoint as to why.
Oh by the way yes I'm posting at almost 5 am. Ever since I can remember I always wake up at about 4 am. No reason. Not to use the bathroom. I just wake up. Ready to start my day. It really sucks because I don't start work for another five hours, but when I end up going back to sleep I wake up completely groggy and in a bit of a foul mood.
Years ago I had a sleep study done on me to find out what the hell was wrong. After extensive testing you know what they told me? Wait for it... wait for it... Intermittent Sleep Disorder. Well no shit, Sherlock! I told you that when I walked in the door. I recommend you get a refund on your med school degree because any observant dumbass could have ding-ding-dinged that one!
Anyway back to my original topic... it's Friday. Thank God. Ok back to sleep, dumplings. Have a great weekend.
Special thanks to A Wilhelm Scream for a few degrees of hearing loss, and this appropriately titled song.
(New video by the way. Great work)
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Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Freakin' Sweet
Friday, September 14, 2007
I love you to death (wait for it... wait for it...) BUT...
Have you ever thought about the things that you absolutely can't tell the rest of the world? You know... strange desires, an attraction towards trees, enjoying the smell of exhaust, the inability to buy things outside of a pair... whatever your little secrets are it seems like they dig a hole deep into your heart and never get out.
Sometimes I wish I could just scream, "I ... whatever!"
Today at work I got so frustrated for a moment that I had to literally exit the building and let my frustration out. I just let myself cry. I wasn't sad I was just fed up. Everyone in my department was on edge for some reason. Who knows what we all are dealing with in our separate lives, but all together it wasn't a good mix.
Yes sometimes I wish I could just scream whatever is on my mind. Sometimes I wish I could just walk up to a woman and tell her, "Excuse me I just felt the need to tell you that you're mysteriously attractive." Sometimes I wish I could tell someone that is frustrating me to "back the hell off." Sometimes I wish I could do countless numbers of unnamed acts.
For ile, she cannot. I cannot.
I am focusing on making my life more positive. I haven't had a smoke since the 11th and I don't want one now. I think that's a good thing. Although I've been feeling ill since Monday I still have the desire to go out and experience the world. Something tells me that I need to chill, drug myself up and crash. The exhaustion is becoming ridiculous so I'm going to do this one thing: Friends, just give me some time to chill, sleep off whatever the hell is making me sick and I will join you in the real world soon.
Much love... the ile.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
And the beat goes on...
Well I turned down the Phoenix job today based on a couple of factors. The first was I would have to take a HUGE pay drop to move up two markets. That right there is just plain wrong plus for the love of God I've been in television close to 10 years! Low-balling not appreciated or tolerated. I'm not about to make a stupid decision. The second is... it's Phoenix. It's HOTTER than hell! I grew up in the Southwest, but Phoenix is a tough one. Still we'll see what the outcome is, but right now I'm ok staying here in Seattle.
I actually do enjoy my life here in Seattle. I figured I should point out the positive points and negative points. I will limit myself to five of each, so that I can do some thinking about what really is impacting my decision to continue looking.

Reasons to stay/leave in Seattle:
1. Awesome friends
2. Water access
3. Stable career
4. Entertainment venues
5. An opportunity to change
1. So far from family
2. No chance of finding an affordable domicile
3. Unchanging work situations
4. Damned rain!
5. Dating scene is fickle (always a friend, never a girlfriend)

So I decided today would be the beginning of a change. Today was also a day changed the world for generations to come. I quit smoking today, and seriously this is it. I'm grossing out with myself when I smoke. I changed brands practically every time that I bought a pack. So many different things pointed towards this. Health factors are at the top. There's also another change I'm initiating: I'm changing my body image.
Those of you that have known me since I was a kid knows that I was a stick UNTIL I hit puberty. After that I grew the ladies and bulked up. I have always been active, so has been very frustrating when I work out and get no or little results.
Well about a month ago we found out I have a thyroid condition that basically comes down to this: I have almost no metabolism. Since I've been on medication my energy level has gone way up, and I've actually shed a little bit of fat. Not enough to say, "WOW." But enough that I've realized my shorts aren't violently pushing against my body. So I'm going to do it little by little.
So it's time for change! Change eating habits. Change drinking habits. Change activity habits. Eventually I hope to be in a much better position a year from now.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Sunday, September 9, 2007
The Redemption Picture

Ok Lisa deserved a redemption photo. I had to do well with this one and she said it was "Ok," so I think we're good now. This is an adorable picture with Lisa and Sara.
We started out the day at The Madison Pub up on the hill watching the Hawks beat down the Bucs. We then moved back over to West Seattle to catch my boys, the Giants, play the damn Cowboys. Needless to say the game isn't going so well. :( Oh well. Tons of fun with good friends, good brew and everything in between.

Karaoke at Yen Wor

As for the night we had a freakin blast, but I have to say when the freaky, smelly, paint covered guy comes over to your table it is probably best to tell him "fuck off" right away. Jamie did a kick ass Britney song (don't knock Britney!), and I did a little Moby with Gwen.

Becky, Marilyn and Sam joined us too but I didn't get to grab a pic with those gals. It was indeed a night full of fun and frizeaks! :)
So drop the damn buckles and bows in the middle of the boobs, and leave the animal prints to those that wear them best: the animals. Damn fashion designers need to pull their heads out of their asses and make bigger clothes like they make smaller clothes.
Ok I'm a fat fuck, I accept that but I'll be damned if I draw attention to it. Ugh.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Fire! Fire!
Tonight we realized I really do have some strange affinity for fire. Ironic because my father was a fire fighter. I was a friend of Smokey the Bear, and I learned early that Smokey's friends don't play with matches. Why is it that I lit the table on fire in chemistry class, can set a campfire with the best of them and I'm typically the one everyone calls to get the charcoal going? Maybe to know fire you have to become fire. Realizing the things that make up fire. Fire can create its own weather. Fire can cancel itself out if done correctly. The respect one must have for fire, and the fact that there is a thin line in creating or destroying with a flame as well.
Hmm. As a water sign I realize that I may easily be cancelled out with fire. I can be transformed from a liquid into steam in mere seconds.
Fire, yes fire. Looks like the cavemen had it right all along. Spark, flame, fire and end it all off with one hell of a dance around the pit.
Dance on cavemen. Tonight I salute you with a full stomach from a wonderfully barbequed steak. Dance on flamers! Dance on!
A fire can also manifest remarkable images. Here's a picture I took when we were around the campfire out at Tiger Lake.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Really Cool
By the way please go to jonessoda.com and read the legit explanation of this benefit. I think it's awesome. :)
Victory Is Mine!
I'm a team player but it's just ironic how those who expect you to be a team player are often those who go solo. Very strange indeed. The human mind is a unique object. The degrees in which emotion can take you are extreme. If you let anger take over it will kill you quickly. If you let laziness take over it might kill you just as quickly as anger. The middle ground is actually a very small area. Have I walked upon it, or am I one of those people who just can't seem to color inside the lines?
My thoughts are totally all over the place, so I apologize for being flighty. Maybe this is the best time to crawl in bed, pull the covers over my head and go to sleep. Hmm.
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Both ends?
Friday, August 31, 2007
Exhaustion, Frustration... Castration?

Thursday, August 30, 2007
Das Woot
Anyway sometimes at the end of a woot off is the maximum pay off of what is termed a BOC=Bag O'Crap! A BOC is like the holy grail of wootdom. You pay a buck for each crap. Your max is $3 and it's $5 for shipping. Rule number one with a BOC posting: ALWAYS order three because if you don't then you're almost wasting your five dollar shipping cost. But hey, you could get the stupidest invention in the world delivered to your door, or you could get a plasma television. You never know what will be in your Bag O'Crap.
My dilemma lays ahead. So right now I'm super exhausted, but I can't help but think that maybe I'll score my first BOC tonight. Hmm. Hey woot do me a favor please? If you're not going to extend the BOCs then please gives us the screaming monkey with a cape!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
So I had this idea...
Imagine going into one of your daily meetings with the midset of a cat. Oh... interested... interested... interested... oh screw this... walk away or take a nap.
Now wouldn't that just be the ultimate?! I think it would be flippin' hilarious. Or a coworker sends you an email that you think is crap, so you take it and bury it in the litterbox.
Oh and the touchy-feely people we all have had the displeasure of dealing with; bite them. I mean seriously fool, must you freakin' touch me? I was just chillin' here minding my business, doing my work, being an ile like all iles are and you come up on me and start rubbing my fur. What's up with that!? CHOMP, biatch!
Hmm, maybe it would be really rockin' to be a cat in a corporate world. One thing for sure is if you get caught snickering at the big whigs all you have to say is, "Oh me? I was just purring."
Monday, August 27, 2007
Trick... The World, The World... Trick

Today I got my first NEW bass. By new I mean it hasn't been played by anyone else. I gotta tell ya... she's one smooth lady! She has a totally different feel than my PBass.
Beautimous is she.
My first bass was named Harmony, a Fender fiesta red PBass, who was stolen back in May. (I hate May!) My second bass was given to me by good ol' Rob. I still think that is one of the coolest things anyone has ever done for me. Oh yea, well her name is Faith and she's a honey blonde Fender PBass with Lindy Fralin pick-ups. I've named this black beauty, Trick (it's a Buffy allusion), and she's an ESP B50 4 string bass with SIT Strings. Vellllllly vellllly nice.
I'm just so stoked. I've had/have three very sexy ladies in my life. :) Harmony rest in peace, Faith is my honey blonde queen and Trick is my dark goddess with one hell of a growl.
Numero Uno

Stay tuned because I'm about to whip out a can of ile ass upon the world. :)