I left at 8:30 to go to work (early), and I ended up getting there at 9:20. It usually takes me 20 minutes to get there. Today I couldn't seem to get on the damn West Seattle Bridge. I tried three different options and none of them was moving. At one point in time there was even a woman in a car ahead of me reading a book. Ugh. I had to end up driving all the way down to South Park just to jump on 99. I mean what the hell people!?
When I got to work I just did things as usual. Nothing went wrong at work, but there was that sense of annoyance that just stayed with me throughout the day. I don't understand why I'm one of those people that lets stupid things get to them. Why am I the woman who gets all pissy over the stupidest things? One of my coworkers even said, "Wow seems like somebody woke up on the pissy side of the bed this morning." My response was, "No I just drove on the pissy side of the street." That got me a consensus of cubicle laughs, so oh well.
But here I sit at 2219 still off-balance by what I'm guessing was this morning's commute. Something is definitely off in Ile-Land, USA.
Sigh... suggestions... comments?
Wish I had some advice for you, but since I'm the only OTHER woman who gets seriously annoyed by stupid things and stupid people, I'm afraid I would have nothing positive to impart.
Robert Riley said...
I have no advice to offer becuase I am a stupid people. :-)
sounds like you need to set some goals. Feel like you are spining your wheels?
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