So Jamie invited me out for Karaoke tonight. We hit the Yen Wor aka Yen Whore in West Seattle to get our sing on. First it was just me and Rob. I joke with him all the time that his name in Japanese is Lob Lirey. Well the bartender, Wendy, came over and talked to us. She asked Rob's name and he told her Robert. She repeated, "Lobelt." I about died laughing. Well, he about lost it too, so it was actually a great way to begin the evening.
As for the night we had a freakin blast, but I have to say when the freaky, smelly, paint covered guy comes over to your table it is probably best to tell him "fuck off" right away. Jamie did a kick ass Britney song (don't knock Britney!), and I did a little Moby with Gwen.

Ok and since when did I have a "wandering eye" like it appears in this picture? Is it just because I have almond shaped eyes that get really squinty when I get a little booze in me? God I hope that's the case. LOL.

Lisa is going to kill me for posting this picture. She hated it when I took it. Sorry Lisa. We all know you're gorgeous!
Becky, Marilyn and Sam joined us too but I didn't get to grab a pic with those gals. It was indeed a night full of fun and frizeaks! :)
Robert Riley said...
I had a blast hanging out with evryone, it was good to catch up.
Why can't I have a cool nikname like T-Bone or slugger... oh well...
OMFG! Rob is so drunk! Thank you so much for posting that photo.
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