Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Frustration Peaked

This morning I was supposed to sign a lease (which now i'm thinking... month to month) for my new place. The complex manager was all about getting me in the new place asap because she "couldn't keep a unit off the market" for even two weeks. I get a call at 9 am from the on-site manager. She always starts off her conversations with this: well i have good news and bad news.
Good news is I can start moving in as planned.
Bad news is the bathroom had sprung a leak so they had to tear up all the new carpet in the bedroom, they're re-laying the vinyl and there's still work that needs to be done on the unit. OK... I understand accidents happen, but what do the cupboard doors not being on the hinges and the faucet not being installed have to do with it? FUCK!
As if I wasn't stressed enough. So here's the deal... Rikki gets to stay in my current apartment until I get back into town on the 28th. Rikki will have nothing but his bed, my sleeping bag and his food and water to keep him company.
I just... I don't fucking get it. Have you ever met someone that just can't seem to have things go right? This is me. No matter how hard I try it seems that the shit is always stacked against me. It's frustrating. I wish there was a way out of it.
I'm sick and tired of these situations. I need to be able to live a life where things go up instead of always down.
Even when I try to be completely positive shit like this seems to happen. What in the hell did I do to the Karma police in another life to get this shit?
Well I guess i'll go get dressed so I can start moving my shit into my new apartment (storage unit). FUCK!
Oh yea and that's what I found in the dining room when I got into the new place. It's not even ready to try to move into. Talk about frustrating. UGH!

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