I am super duper mega tired. I actually just woke up from a bit of a nap. I was supposed to go see Varun's band play down the street here at the Skylark, but I actually jumped in bed around 8:30.
We are really slammed at work right now, and it stands to reason: launch is just a few days away. The past few days I've been working late, taking short lunches and still it seems like the paper pile is literally getting thicker. I actually had a note jotted down on a paper hand towel in my stack. That's how busy things are. I have to grab the nearest available paper product, and write. It's a good thing I don't have toilet paper within reach or I would have my own Dead Sea Scrolls at my desk. There is something else that is increasingly frustrating: there is no relief in sight.
This will not let up. This pace doesn't let down. For someone like me when something gets done, two more things fill the void. It's like the description of a terrorist cell. If one cell gets taken down then two more sprout up in it's place. That's also the natural progression of all cancerous organizations. Think about it. Triumph by overpositioning. I guess that's why it ends up becoming a good business tool; to keep them busy just keep them coming. Eventually one of two things must happen: the break or THE BREAK. I just keep wondering which one I'll hit first especially with the reprogramming I've had to endure lately.
Exhaustion... on the rise like America's debt.
Frustration... insurmountable like George Bush's stupidity.
Castration... of the beast we call THE BULL.
Now one question remains: who gets to make the cut... the ile or THE BULL?
Robert Riley said...
I tell you what. I had a week off just two weeks ago and it feels like it's been a year.
I am so ready for another vacation! I think we should take a sabatical.
I have so totally been there. But for me, no matter how bad it gets, the season ends in May. For you...well, hang in there and wait for a time when you can breathe.
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