Friday, August 31, 2007

Exhaustion, Frustration... Castration?

I am super duper mega tired. I actually just woke up from a bit of a nap. I was supposed to go see Varun's band play down the street here at the Skylark, but I actually jumped in bed around 8:30.

We are really slammed at work right now, and it stands to reason: launch is just a few days away. The past few days I've been working late, taking short lunches and still it seems like the paper pile is literally getting thicker. I actually had a note jotted down on a paper hand towel in my stack. That's how busy things are. I have to grab the nearest available paper product, and write. It's a good thing I don't have toilet paper within reach or I would have my own Dead Sea Scrolls at my desk. There is something else that is increasingly frustrating: there is no relief in sight.

This will not let up. This pace doesn't let down. For someone like me when something gets done, two more things fill the void. It's like the description of a terrorist cell. If one cell gets taken down then two more sprout up in it's place. That's also the natural progression of all cancerous organizations. Think about it. Triumph by overpositioning. I guess that's why it ends up becoming a good business tool; to keep them busy just keep them coming. Eventually one of two things must happen: the break or THE BREAK. I just keep wondering which one I'll hit first especially with the reprogramming I've had to endure lately.

Exhaustion... on the rise like America's debt.

Frustration... insurmountable like George Bush's stupidity.

Castration... of the beast we call THE BULL.

Now one question remains: who gets to make the cut... the ile or THE BULL?

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Das Woot

Logging on to one of my favorite retail sites I found out they were having a woot off. To those of you who are unwootworthy here's the deal: woot sells one product a day at usually a lower rate than anywhere else. The catch is that when they run out... that's it. Done. Finito until the next time it pops back up. Now a woot off actually puts up another deal after one has sold out. Even more exciting than buying a Windbrella (the thing could fit a family of 5 under it!) could be everything from a roomba to miniature rc helicopters. Sorry Lob.

Anyway sometimes at the end of a woot off is the maximum pay off of what is termed a BOC=Bag O'Crap! A BOC is like the holy grail of wootdom. You pay a buck for each crap. Your max is $3 and it's $5 for shipping. Rule number one with a BOC posting: ALWAYS order three because if you don't then you're almost wasting your five dollar shipping cost. But hey, you could get the stupidest invention in the world delivered to your door, or you could get a plasma television. You never know what will be in your Bag O'Crap.

My dilemma lays ahead. So right now I'm super exhausted, but I can't help but think that maybe I'll score my first BOC tonight. Hmm. Hey woot do me a favor please? If you're not going to extend the BOCs then please gives us the screaming monkey with a cape!


Tuesday, August 28, 2007

So I had this idea...

that lived! These are the times you need to put reality aside. You know suspense of disbelief. After I finished talking to Lob on the phone I figured I needed to play with my rugrat a bit. As I was messing around with the laser pointer I had an ile idea; what if we reacted to things the way cats do? Here's a little video of my boy in action. Watch all the way to the end because honestly that's the best part. Then you'll totally understand what I'm about to write.

Imagine going into one of your daily meetings with the midset of a cat. Oh... interested... interested... interested... oh screw this... walk away or take a nap.

Now wouldn't that just be the ultimate?! I think it would be flippin' hilarious. Or a coworker sends you an email that you think is crap, so you take it and bury it in the litterbox.

Oh and the touchy-feely people we all have had the displeasure of dealing with; bite them. I mean seriously fool, must you freakin' touch me? I was just chillin' here minding my business, doing my work, being an ile like all iles are and you come up on me and start rubbing my fur. What's up with that!? CHOMP, biatch!

Hmm, maybe it would be really rockin' to be a cat in a corporate world. One thing for sure is if you get caught snickering at the big whigs all you have to say is, "Oh me? I was just purring."


Monday, August 27, 2007

Trick... The World, The World... Trick

Today I got my first NEW bass. By new I mean it hasn't been played by anyone else. I gotta tell ya... she's one smooth lady! She has a totally different feel than my PBass.
Beautimous is she.

My first bass was named Harmony, a Fender fiesta red PBass, who was stolen back in May. (I hate May!) My second bass was given to me by good ol' Rob. I still think that is one of the coolest things anyone has ever done for me. Oh yea, well her name is Faith and she's a honey blonde Fender PBass with Lindy Fralin pick-ups. I've named this black beauty, Trick (it's a Buffy allusion), and she's an ESP B50 4 string bass with SIT Strings. Vellllllly vellllly nice.

I'm just so stoked. I've had/have three very sexy ladies in my life. :) Harmony rest in peace, Faith is my honey blonde queen and Trick is my dark goddess with one hell of a growl.

All hail the bass god!

Numero Uno

Well after checking out Lob Lirey's blog I figured this would be a better place to blog over My Space. Why? I feel a little too old for some odd reason to be blogging on My Space. I have no clue why, but that's the way this ile feels.
Stay tuned because I'm about to whip out a can of ile ass upon the world. :)
FYI-Lob Lirey=Rob Riley :) --------->